April 23-May 6
I'm combining these two weeks because due to a crazy work schedule, I wasn't as good taking pictures! (tisk, tisk, bad mommy!)
Mornings with brother! :)
Sleeping on Aunt Terri.
Relaxing outside with the family at the fire pit! She LOVES it outside!!!
She is wanting to sit up more and loving to jump when you hold her up on her legs. She is smiling and laughing like crazy and really starting to move around! She has also found her hands and realized she can clasp them! It's her new favorite thing to do!
I'm trying to let her visit with different people so she doesn't get too attached to me and get separation anxiety. I know that can start around this time.
She is growing more fond of being on the floor. Although she still loves her bouncer. I have had to move from the snug-a-bunny bouncer to the taggies bouncer from Buy Buy Baby because she needs to be more upright with her reflux. This is still a lifesaver. She loves her swing and activity mat!
We are finally wearing some of our 0-3 month stuff! The outfit above is from Carter's. She has a pair of skinny jeans on and a shirt that says You Love Me and I Love You. I love love this outfit!!
Carter's peacoat and white leggings in her new Taggies bouncy seat. I feel like she is posing for me! :) Modeling already. Maybe I should call a hair product line and get her a job modeling!
I love this little outfit too! It's a carters tank top and cardigan with skinny jeans and matching hairbow. Brother Hudson getting in on the daily picture action!