Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 1

Our first week home was rough. I'm not really sure how I got through it. I just remember being so tired and thinking I just need 10 minutes of sleep. There was actually a day where I drove to my aunt's house for her to hold Madeline so I could sleep. Madeline was very colicky and suffered from silent reflux. We tried so many different formulas, but nothing helped and everything made her constipated. I didn't want her on soy unless is was absolutely necessary so we tried Similac Sensitive, Enfamil, Gentleease, everything it seemed! Finally, I just called the doctor and begged for a prescription for Zantac. Zantac was great, when she would actually swallow it. I started putting it in her bottles which then made it less effective. And we were back to fussy. But still adorable!!!

5 Days Old

She smiles when she is sleeping. I wish she was smiling when she is awake.
Day 5 was very cold so I had to dress in my cutest fleece outfit! I'm thinking that this might just become a blog of all of my cute outfits.
I'm headed on my first visit to Dr. Bowser today! 
I'm healthy and gained back all of my weight I lost after birth. 

Day 7

This is the first time Hudson got to hold his sister. He is such a good big brother already! 
I love my Daddy. I even like my shirts to say so. 
Sponge Bath Time-which I'm not a fan of yet. 

And I tried out my bath tub! I don't like that either! 

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